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Why is there a shortage of lab space? From increased demand to regulatory challenges, there are several factors at play. Find out what’s going on in the UK.
Life sciences is the hot ticket right now. So what should you consider when carrying out your laboratory site selection? Time to get ahead of the curve here.
In the dynamic world of scientific research and experimentation, efficient organisation and accessibility are paramount. The advent of technology has revolutionised laboratory practices, extending its influence even to the realm of storage solutions.
What does a successful modern lab design look like? An interplay between safety, efficiency, accessibility, creativity, and tech integration. We cover the fundamentals of good lab design here.
Beyond legal compliance, laboratory designers are responsible for creating spaces that can be used confidently. Here we take a look at the top priority in lab design: safety.
As some of the largest producers of harmful emissions, the pressure is on for laboratories to steer towards sustainability. Here’s what lab designers need to know about green building for labs.
What do the smart labs of the future look like? AR, VR, AI, and robotics pave the way for laboratory design innovation. Find out how.
Is there hidden space in your lab that isn’t being put to good use? How do designers use space artfully to create labs that perform and look as good as possible?